AI cameras are on the move! And they are ready to help save endangered animals.
Artificial Intelligence has really come a long way. Researchers are able to load images to help identify animals and their human predators, making it possible to identify in real time when they are in danger.
Endangered animals like elephants or pangolins have a better chance at survival if rangers or conservation teams are notified in real time. Making it possible to respond when it comes to poachers or fire.
NVIDIA shows footage of a pangolin, one of the world’s most critically endangered species, detected in real time using Artificial Intelligence.
A U.K.-based nonprofit called Conservation AI made this video possible with the help of NVIDIA technology.
The future of AI does sound somewhat frightening, OR it can be very interesting as we learn more about it.
I hope that we might benefit from this new technology, as it makes the most challenging tasks seem effortless.
Lets hope that AI continues moving forward in a good way, like we see here with conservation, and protecting endangered animals.