During extreme temperatures, its always best to keep your pet inside, in an air conditioned room if possible.
If your pet must be outdoors, make sure they have a place to go to get away from the heat. And have cold water accessible at all times.
Pets are family. Here are some quick reminders to keep them safe…
Never leave your dog in the car on a hot day!!!
As it may seem cooler in the morning, summer days get hot quick!
When you get out of the car, your dog gets out of the car.
Do not go hiking with your dog on a hot day.
And always keep in mind, if the pavement or asphalt is too hot for you, its too hot for your dog’s paws!
Simply test it by touching your hand to the ground.
Here are some GREAT deals! And simple cooling methods to keep your pet safe this Summer…..
Summer cuts are great! But not all pets need a summer cut. Some multi-layered coats often serve as insulation to help them stay cool.
But as some dogs shed alot during the summer, a good brushing or trim definitely helps.
Be safe and have a great Summer!