It’s no secret that moving to a new home can be stressful. And when you have Fido in tow, the experience can be outright overwhelming.
Pets tend to become anxious with change, and moving to a new living environment is about as drastic for them as it gets. This means that you must consider their needs and well-being at every step as you make the transition in the next chapter. Below, FidoMingle shares some practical tips for relocating when you have a pet!
Invest in Supplies
First of all, you will probably need to purchase some supplies while preparing for your transition into your next chapter. Fortunately, many products can help your pets stay comfortable during the move.
It’s essential to be confident with each purchase you make. Assess the customer ratings of any product you’re considering, and look for websites that provide product reviews from veterinarians and other animal professionals. That way, you can rest easy knowing you’re investing in items that will keep your little furball safe and healthy. Click here for top-notch resources!
Keep the Clutter at Bay
As you prepare your home and get your moving supplies together, you’re not going to want to deal with a bunch of clutter. It will only cause stress for you and your dog. Take time to thoroughly declutter your living environment and organize all the materials you’ll need for packing your belongings efficiently.
Rent a self-storage unit for any items you can’t take with you to the new home but you’re not ready to part with. Searching the right sites will reveal all the storage facilities in your area. Some 5×5 units in the San Diego area are going for as low as $77 a month. Check out these San Diego storage units as you determine what to do with your belongings.
Prepare Your Pet
Routine is essential for pets, and your furry companion’s routine is about to change drastically. Think of ways you can prepare them for the new chapter.
For instance, see if you can visit your new home before you move in; a simple walk-through will give your dog the opportunity to see the sights and smell the senses of their new environment. And consider changing their daily routine gradually to align with the schedule your family will be living by during the first couple of weeks of the relocation.
Find a Veterinarian
Nothing is more important than fostering your pet’s health. And when you’re moving to a new home, you might need to find a new veterinarian. The sooner you do so, the better.
If you’re moving to a new city or state, use your Fidomingle App to locate a new veterinarian in your new area. While using the App you can also transfer any records that have been saved. Be sure to ask your current veterinarian to transfer any other medical records your pet’s may have, so you can transition smoothly.
Keep Them Crated
Getting a high-quality crate is one of the most important purchases you can make when relocating. Not only can you keep your furry friend in their crate as you pack up your belongings, move boxes, and handle other moving day activities, but you can keep your pet secure in their crate while traveling.
Another option is to ask a friend, family member, or pet sitter to stay with your pup on moving day. Just make sure you trust the person!
Take Them for Walks
If possible, don’t compromise your pet’s exercise routine during the transition. Look for fun ways the whole family can provide your furball with physical activity. Go to the dog park for an hour, take a walk through the neighborhood, or add 30 minutes of playtime to your schedule.
Getting adequate exercise will allow your pet to release their day’s energy. And it will reduce their stress and keep them calmer during the move.
Don’t make your relocation more stressful than it needs to be for your family or your pet. Implement the tips above for a smooth transition and continue learning other strategies that can help along the way. Then, you’ll be ready to move into your new home, put pet-proofing measures in place, and settle into your new routines!
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Article by Cindy Aldridge
Image by Pexels