With two little min pins that love to lounge outside on a sunny day, a wasp nest clinging to the window outside their home is a sure sign of danger.
Luckily this nest was easily washed away from outside the home, but its not always that easy. Wasp nests and bee hives can be very dangerous to remove.
So be aware, its not just what’s on the ground that could be harmful to your pet. Clear your pets sleeping areas of spiders and insects as they can be very harmful too.
Bee hives and wasp nests
Swarms of bees or wasps can be extremely dangerous and must be removed by professionals.
Getting stung is not only painful, but multiple stings can send you to the emergency room quickly.
Pets getting stung can also result in swelling, infections, or death.
Keeping Benadryl on hand is a good idea, in case of allergies resulting from bee sting. Method of using Benadryl for allergies…
Rule of thumb is 1 mg per lb of body weight 2-3 times a day. Example 1 Benadryl 25mg tablet for 1 25lb dog or 1/2 a tablet for a dog 1/2 that size.
Always check with a veterinarian for follow up care, if your pet has been stung. A pet could have severe reactions, develop hives, or need assistance if a stinger becomes embedded in their paw, skin, etc. Remember, untreated could lead to more illness, or death.
Spider bites cause infection or worse.
Spider bites can be just as bad. My own dog Tyson battled a fever and infection from a spider bite on the face. Spiders love very dry shaded areas, under ledges, stairs, around patio doors. Seems like just about everywhere my dog likes to nap. During these dry summer days it’s good to routinely wash down areas around the home, as these type of bugs prefer dry areas to set up camp.
Mosquitos cause heartworm.
It’s best to use heartworm prevention if you have a dog that’s mostly outdoors. Along with treatment for fleas and ticks.
Pest Control
Find a pest control company to spray for bugs. One that provides a pet friendly service, that doesn’t require anybody leaving the home.
TheBeeRemoval.com has more information on bees, how to identify a hive, or look for a professional to remove bees or wasps from your home.