During Spring and Summer, dogs get very busy. There’s alot of play time and friends we meet.
Routine baths and flea control are so important during these months. Not only is it good hygiene, but helps with the prevention of so many problems, and the stacking of vet bills.
Regular baths can help prevent fleas, hot spots, and even skin problems.
Just washing your dog can bring attention to other things that weren’t there, like lumps, or ticks.
Being able to catch things early is the key to good health.
Keeping clean prevents irritated skin and needing to go to the vet to stop any itch, along with adding steroids or other medications.
Oatmeal baths are great for dogs with allergies and the itchies. Or for the more severe itch, talk to your vet about medicated shampoo.
Be proactive before the itch starts!
Something as easy as washing your pets paws once a week during the Spring with just soapy warm water, could prevent constant licking at the paws from allergies.
Ask your veterinarian about home remedies that would suit your pet, guaranteed there is always something you can do.
Allergies and ways to prevent itch…. Allergies/Fidomingle