I tend to eat and get lazy throughout the holidays, how about you?
Of course I always promise myself at the start of the New Year, things will change….. I hope.
Pets adjust to your daily routine
Have you ever noticed that some of the moves you make, your pet will almost always do the same?
If you sleep a lot, your pet will sleep a lot. If you tend to sit around alot, your pet will sit around too.
For example, if you’re busy with time consuming things like internet or other projects for a long period of time, your pet will sit and wait for you.
Which means if you get lazy, they get lazy. If you put on weight, THEY could too!
Create new habits
Create an active lifestyle. If you become active, they will most likely follow your lead.
For cats, there are all kinds of indoor activities to play.
From fetch, to something as easy and simple as a paper bag… Cats love to chase and play.
And what cat doesn’t love to participate in your yoga exercise. And for those that don’t have a cat, Yoga for cats has become very popular.
Get outdoors
Of course outdoor exercise usually calls for a dog…
I know when I say “Wanna go for a walk?” There’s that one friend of mine that will never complain, always show up, and greets each and every morning with bright eyes and a wagging tail.
Could there be any better motivation? Maybe, but still a hard act to follow.
And maybe you have a friend that has a dog, or maybe you have a group to meet up with.
Meeting up with other dogs is great fun.
Especially if you and your pet are already familiar with them.
Know the area. Keep things safe and always be aware of your surroundings.
My dog has a few friends he meets up with.
He’s thrilled to see them, so not only is he getting exercise, but socializing too!
So if you are looking to get active, be sure to include your pet.
Have limits
Before starting any new activities, check with your veterinarian.
Too much exercise can also be harmful to your pet. Pets have limits.
Small dogs will differ from large dogs, and seniors while needing to stay active, may require care when doing so.
Older pets can tire easily, or become sore in the joints.
Overweight pets can strain or tear muscles or ligaments.
So always be cautious, and know your limits.
Where to start
Here are a few ideas to get you started…
Something as simple as a brisk walk is great exercise.
Make part of your workout throwing a ball or a frisbee.
Do you have a real adventurous, outdoor dog? Do some hiking.
But know the areas, and always start small, with short hikes.
Take your pet to the beach. San Diego has several dog friendly beaches to choose from.
Does your dog have a lot of energy and love to run?
Get involved in agility. This might take some skill, but can create such a bond while having fun.
And don’t think this sport is just for large dogs small dogs love it too.
You can see the fun this small terrier is having in this adorable video…
So don’t let your goal just be hitting the gym. Feel the energy of getting outdoors, or taking on activities with your pet.
Let your pet motivate you, and motivate them.
Health is happiness!
Remember, exercise relieves stress and less stress is always healthy…..
For both of you.