Pets are family, and when we see them uncomfortable and itchy we feel it too.
This statement rings true, ESPECIALLY when fleas get out of hand and start jumping on you!
I think every pet owner has been in this situation at least once in their pet parent life.
The best way to approach a bad flea infestation is to have a plan. Know your flea products.
If you don’t, valuable products can be wasted.
Where there are fleas, there are hundreds of flea eggs along with flea larvae. So if you’re noticing many fleas, they’re most likely living in your furniture, bedding, rugs and, or carpet. Having hardwood floors doesn’t mean you don’t have fleas. They can easily live around the edges or in cracks.
So knowing they’re everywhere, means you need to start treating everywhere.
I usually want to relieve my pet first, so I start there.
Immediate Relief
Capstar is a great product to treat your pet, killing fleas over a 2-3 day period while giving you a chance to treat the home.
Give your pet a Capstar and a warm soapy bath. Then start treating your home while the Capstar is working.
As each tablet works 24 hours killing adult fleas, you need to act fast to prevent reinfestation.
Flea Prevention For The Home And Pet
*Monthly flea control(I prefer monthly topical) AND an *Area treatment spray. These are two products that will be needed to eliminate larvae and flea eggs on your pet and in the environment. You will need to treat BOTH to control the flea population.
Start the monthly flea control 24 hrs after your pet has had a bath and last capstar treatment.
This will prevent new hatching fleas from jumping on your pet.
Use the area treatment spray
to treat your home. Treat all dark places, under cushions , rugs, beds, in corners, and under pots, as well as carpet.
Let your vacuum be your best friend during this process. You can spray a little bit of area treatment inside the vacuum bag to assist. Continue to vacuum every two to three days.
*Treat your pet
*Treat your home
Stick with it through the warm months ahead, your home should become flea free.
Should you happen to see a tick on your pet, part the hair so the tick is visible. With tweezers grab close to the skin to get the head and pull firmly upward SLOWLY so not to break the head off, as it is embedded in the skin. Make sure you clean the area with rubbing alcohol or soap n water after removing the tick. If your pet has multiple ticks see your veterinarian to have them completely removed. Ticks carry disease
that can be harmful to both you and your pet. So discuss long term prevention with your veterinarian if you have an outdoor pet, or live in an area that might have ticks.
For more protection, treat the yard with Diatomaceous Earth.