Ace has recovered and is doing well, after falling extremely ill for two weeks from ingesting a rubber band.
This comes as a reminder to always double check that things are put safely away.
Some dogs like Ace, even at two years old has not yet gotten over that curious stage of chewing and eating things that he may come across. He has even managed to get a hold of a pepper spray which luckily was taken away quickly.
A young dog like a child is still learning, so we have to be safe.
Keeping things out of reach and off of the floor is a sure way of keeping your dog or cat from a visit to the vet, and you leaving there with a huge bill.
Because remember in order to find the source, a veterinarian must run costly diagnostics.
Then, to remedy the problem is something that could take days, time, and more money.
As a veterinary manager, with years of experience…..
Working in a veterinary clinic, I have seen pets seeking treatment for illness caused by the most common household items such as……
Plastic bags
Long scarfs
Feminine liners/ pads
Rubber bands
Safety pins
Paper clips
and even golf balls.
So remember to take the time to double check as things can easily slip by, like one rubber band :/
Ace has recovered and is doing well, after falling extremely ill for two weeks from ingesting a rubber band.
This comes as a reminder to always double check that things are put safely away.
Some dogs like Ace, even at two years old has not yet gotten over that curious stage of chewing and eating things that he may come across. He has even managed to get a hold of a pepper spray which luckily was taken away quickly.
A young dog like a child is still learning, so we have to be safe.
Keeping things out of reach and off of the floor is a sure way of keeping your dog or cat from a visit to the vet, and you leaving there with a huge bill.
Because remember in order to find the source, a veterinarian must run costly diagnostics.
Then, to remedy the problem is something that could take days, time, and more money.
As a veterinary manager, with years of experience…..
Working in a veterinary clinic, I have seen pets seeking treatment for illness caused by the most common household items such as……
Plastic bags
Long scarfs
Feminine liners/ pads
Rubber bands
Safety pins
Paper clips
and even golf balls.
So remember to take the time to double check as things can easily slip by, like one rubber band :/