Hanukkah or the Festival Of Lights is a time for family celebrations, along with food and gifts. Remember to keep things safe when pets are around.
Keep the food out of reach.
There are so many foods to enjoy during the eight nights of Hanukkah. Don’t let some of them ruin your joyous occasion with a trip to the vet.
Some foods can cause upset stomach or health risks to your pets.
Keep your holiday safe for everybody by keeping the goodies away.
Goodies with onions, sugar, sweeteners, or yeast, and especially chocolates should be kept out of reach.
Make other treats available for your pet if you would like them to join in the festivities.
Foods that are safe for your pet. Fidomingle has a list of foods that are safe for your pet to eat…
Prepare healthy pet treats to avoid table scraps…..
Spinning the dreidel can be fun, but it can be dangerous if your pet gets a hold of it. The dreidel can become a choking hazard if your dog or cat is likely to chew on it. Keep this as well as decorations and ribbons away from pets.
Lighting of the Menorah
Flame-lit candles are always dangerous around pets. Pets are excitable and always curious. Keep lit candles away from pets or placed in a room without them.
Have a safe and Happy Hanukkah!
(Image by pexels)