{"success":true,"data":{"current_page":1,"total_posts":136,"total_pages":12,"posts_per_page":12,"category_name":"","category_id":null,"posts":[{"ID":8396,"post_author":"1","post_date":"2024-07-21 06:00:02","post_date_gmt":"2024-07-21 13:00:02","post_content":"Adopting a pet can be a great way to add warmth, love, and companionship to your life.\r\n\r\nFor seniors, pets can provide comfort and joy.\u00a0 Some studies show they may even have positive impacts on health and well-being, including lower blood pressure<\/a> and reduced stress levels.\u00a0 However, adopting a pet also comes with a lot of responsibility and commitment, and there is a lot to consider before making this important decision.\r\n\r\nThis article from FidoMingle<\/a> provides a few pet care tips and advice for older adults who are looking to adopt a furry friend, including how to choose the right pet for your lifestyle, how to maintain a consistent feeding schedule, how to invest in preventative care, and more.\r\n\r\nConsider Taking In a Senior Pet<\/strong>\r\n\r\nIf you're an older adult, adopting a senior pet may be a great option. Older animals are often calmer, quieter, and require less exercise and attention than younger, more energetic pets. Many senior pets are already trained and housebroken<\/a> which can make the adoption process easier. Plus, when you adopt a senior pet, you are providing a loving home for an animal who may need it most.\r\n\r\nSchedule Regular Pet Visits<\/strong>\r\n\r\nAdopting a pet can be an incredibly rewarding experience, especially for seniors who are looking for companionship and a way to stay active. However, it's essential to ensure that you're providing your new furry friend with the best possible care to keep them healthy and happy. One of the main aspects of responsible pet ownership is scheduling regular vet visits.<\/a>\r\n\r\nFind the Perfect Pet for Your Lifestyle<\/strong>\r\n\r\nOne of the most important aspects of pet adoption is choosing the right pet for your lifestyle \u2014 consider factors such as your living space, your level of activity, and your overall health.\r\n\r\nFor example, if you live in a small apartment, a large dog may not be the best choice. If you have limited mobility or health issues, you may want to consider a pet who requires less care or time.\r\n\r\nResearch different breeds or types of pets to find one that matches your personality<\/a> and energy level.\r\n\r\nPrepare for Long-Term Care<\/strong>\r\n\r\nPreparing for long-term care with your pet requires exploring policies at local nursing facilities about residents keeping pets. Contact various facilities to understand their regulations and accommodations<\/a> for pets, ensuring your furry companion can stay by your side.\r\n\r\nThis investigative work will put your mind at ease, knowing your beloved pet can continue to provide comfort and companionship should you need to move into assisted care in the future.\r\n\r\nInvest in Preventive Care<\/strong>\r\n\r\nTaking care of your pet's health is crucial, especially when adopting an older animal. Invest in preventive measures, like regular vet visits, vaccinations, and\u00a0 flea and tick prevention.<\/a>\u00a0 Pay close attention to any changes in behavior or appetite, as these can be early signs of health problems.\r\n\r\nRoutine health check ups and treatments can help ensure your pet stays healthy and happy, and can prevent more serious health issues from developing.\r\n\r\nMaintain a Consistent Feeding Schedule<\/strong>\r\n\r\nAs you age, having a structured routine can be beneficial for your mental and physical well-being. This applies to your pet's feeding schedule as well.<\/a> Try to feed your pet at the same time each day, in the same location and with the same\r\nfood. This routine can not only help your pet maintain a healthy weight, but it can also provide a sense of comfort and predictability for both you and your furry friend.\r\n\r\nAdopting a pet can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience for seniors, offering love, companionship, and health benefits. Consider adopting a senior pet, choose the right pet for your lifestyle, and invest in preventative care to ensure you and your furry friend have a happy and healthy life together.\r\n\r\nIf you cannot adopt, starting a pet sitting business can be an alternative option. Pets are known to bring joy and happiness to all and can be a great addition to an older person's life.\r\n\r\nFor a digital community to share your love for pets, visit <\/strong><\/em>FidoMingle <\/a><\/strong><\/em>\u00a0today!<\/strong><\/em>\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nGuest Article by Cindy Aldridge\r\n\r\nPhoto by:\u00a0 Pexels\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n ","post_title":"Finding the Perfect Pet and Providing the Best Care as a Senior","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"finding-the-perfect-pet-and-providing-the-best-care-as-a-senior","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-07-21 06:14:35","post_modified_gmt":"2024-07-21 13:14:35","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/fidomingle.com\/?p=8396","menu_order":0,"post_type":"post","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":3954,"post_author":"1","post_date":"2024-07-14 09:00:08","post_date_gmt":"2024-07-14 16:00:08","post_content":"Don't wait until dental month to be concerned...Have you looked at your pets teeth lately???\r\nWell lets start there!\r\n\r\nBe proactive, take a peek every once in a while, and get to know the signs. \u00a0Bad breath alone, could be a clear sign that something could be wrong.\u00a0 That it just might be time to see your veterinarian and schedule a dental for your pet if necessary.\r\n\r\nMaybe the pet is younger, or it was said that your pet doesn't yet need one. Well that's a good time for YOU to take action.... Take the time to brush their teeth occasionally. Can't brush them? Apply some pet toothpaste<\/a> along the gum line with your finger, it all helps. Use dental chews<\/a>, or\u00a0 toys, <\/a>maybe even a water additive<\/a>. Ask your veterinarian for recommendations.\r\n\r\nIts best to try to maintain their teeth when they're younger so its not difficult when they're older.\u00a0 Bacteria doesn't just cause gum disease.\u00a0 That's only the beginning!\u00a0 Gum disease can lead to bleeding gums and pain, which could lead to loss of appetite.\u00a0 It can cause infections, bone loss, and loose teeth.\u00a0 And remember anesthesia and pulling teeth can \u00a0get very costly $$$!!!\r\n\r\nBefore your pet goes under anesthesia always ask questions.\u00a0 Your pets age, bloodwork, and what kind of veterinary team you have on board for the procedure is all important.\u00a0 Your veterinarian should be more than happy to go over those and any questions you may have before dropping your pet off. \u00a0 AVMA <\/a>goes into more detail about anesthesia, and what to expect. Although a veterinarian is present in the building, they may not always be involved in a routine dental.\u00a0 Ask if there will be a registered technician present for your pets dental procedure.\r\n\r\nA full dental under anesthesia is definitely more thorough than a non anesthetic scaling of the teeth.\u00a0 But again, it all depends on your pets age, health etc. Always seek advice from a professional before scheduling.\r\n\r\nKeeping your pets teeth clean is important to maintaining good health. Having too much bacteria in the mouth can easily get into the bloodstream and travel to major organs in the body.\u00a0 Moving bacteria to organs like the kidneys, liver, and heart could lead to more health problems.\r\n\r\nAttached is something used to identify what shape the teeth are in, by showing the different stages.\r\n\r\nDon't give bacteria the chance to multiply and cause damage to your pets health, take precautions.... Take the time to take a peek.\r\n\r\nHealthy pets are happy pets :)\r\n\r\n ","post_title":"A closer look at dentals, anesthesia, and your pet....","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","post_password":"","post_name":"taking-a-closer-look-at-dentals-anesthesia-and-your-pet","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-07-14 09:43:18","post_modified_gmt":"2024-07-14 16:43:18","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/fidomingle.com\/?p=3954","menu_order":0,"post_type":"post","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"1","filter":"raw"},{"ID":4401,"post_author":"1","post_date":"2024-07-07 08:00:11","post_date_gmt":"2024-07-07 15:00:11","post_content":"During extreme temperatures, its always best to keep your pet inside, in an air conditioned room if possible.\r\n\r\nIf your pet must be outdoors, make sure they have a place to go to get away from the heat.\u00a0 And have cold water accessible at all times.\r\n\r\nPets are family.\u00a0 Here are some quick reminders to keep them safe\u2026\r\n\r\nNever leave your dog in the car on a hot day!!!\r\nAs it may seem cooler in the morning, summer days get hot quick!\r\n\r\nWhen you get out of the car, your dog gets out of the car.\r\nDo not go hiking with your dog on a hot day.\r\n\r\nAnd always keep in mind, if the pavement or asphalt is too hot for you, its too hot for your dog's paws!\r\nSimply test it by touching your hand to the ground.\r\n\r\nHere are some GREAT deals! And simple cooling methods to keep your pet safe this Summer\u2026..\r\n\r\nSummer cuts are great! But not all pets need a summer cut. Some multi-layered coats often serve as insulation to help them stay cool.\r\n\r\nBut as some dogs shed<\/a> alot during the summer, a good brushing or trim definitely helps.\r\n\r\n*\u00a0Dog Friendly Shade Trees<\/a>\r\n\r\n*\u00a0Pet Canopys<\/a>\r\n\r\n*\u00a0Elevated Beds<\/a>\r\n\r\n*\u00a0Pet Pools<\/a>\r\n\r\n*\u00a0Misters or Sprinklers<\/a>\r\n\r\n*\u00a0Gel Cooling Mats<\/a>\r\n\r\n*\u00a0K9 Kool Soak Hats<\/a>\r\n\r\n*\u00a0Attachable Crate Fans<\/a>\r\n\r\nBe safe and have a great Summer!","post_title":"Over ten cheap and easy ways to keep pets cool on hot Summer days.","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","post_password":"","post_name":"over-ten-cheap-and-easy-ways-to-keep-pets-cool-during-the-hot-summer-days","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-07-07 09:12:24","post_modified_gmt":"2024-07-07 16:12:24","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/fidomingle.com\/?p=4401","menu_order":0,"post_type":"post","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":4491,"post_author":"1","post_date":"2024-06-30 08:00:10","post_date_gmt":"2024-06-30 15:00:10","post_content":"
We know it's hard to keep the pets away from the party, especially with the food smelling so good.<\/header>\r\n
\r\n\r\nKnowing which foods are safe can ease some of that stress.\u00a0 And while some foods may be safe, it's best to only give it in very small portions.\u00a0 Too much of anything could upset the stomache.\r\n\r\nSafe foods from the fruit tray.<\/strong>\r\n\r\nWatermelon, canteloupe, honeydew, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, bananas, and apples.\r\nThese are all safe fruits to eat. Any exotic fruits or melons be sure to check with your veterinarian or poison control.\r\nNo grapes or raisins!\r\n\r\nThe veggie tray.<\/strong>\r\n\r\nUnsalted green beans, broccoli and baby carrots are always a healthy choice. Served cold is a nice summer treat.\r\nNo mushrooms or avocado.\r\n\r\nRice, cheese, and eggs are good but in small amounts as they can be fattening.\r\n\r\nMeat! Thats what they\u2019re snooping around for right?<\/strong>\r\n\r\nChicken, Turkey, beef is all good.\u00a0 No fatty meats like ham, bacon, or pork. Keep away from anything in grease, fat or gravy.\u00a0 So basically the meat, not with all the fixings.\r\nNo onions or garlic. No bones!\r\n\r\nWhat\u2019s in the snack bowl?<\/strong>\r\n\r\nIf its popcorn or roasted cashews, that\u2019s ok too!\r\nBut try to stay away from salt.\r\nNo walnuts or macadamias! Any other nuts check with your veterinarian or call poison control.\r\nNo chocolate.\r\n\r\nTo prevent guests from giving table scraps, have your pets cookies nearby or prepare some fun\u00a0summer treats.<\/a>\r\n\r\nRemember, treats are good\u00a0 in small portions.\u00a0 Too much of anything, like us can cause upset stomache.\r\n\r\nAnd always take into consideration the size and health of any pet.\r\n\r\nPets can burn around barbeques, so be safe and watch them at all times. Be sure they are a safe distance away.\r\n\r\nIf you feel your pet has gotten into something unsafe<\/a> contact your veterinarian immediately.\r\n\r\nOr contact ASPCA Poison Control 888-426-4435\r\n\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","post_title":"Foods that ARE SAFE to give that party pup attending the barbecue.....","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","post_password":"","post_name":"foods-that-are-safe-to-give-that-party-pup-attending-the-barbecue","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-06-30 08:20:56","post_modified_gmt":"2024-06-30 15:20:56","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/fidomingle.com\/?p=4491","menu_order":0,"post_type":"post","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"1","filter":"raw"},{"ID":7941,"post_author":"1","post_date":"2024-06-23 07:00:37","post_date_gmt":"2024-06-23 14:00:37","post_content":"There are many things to consider when preparing for the 4th of July.\r\n\r\nHow will your pet react to the loud thunderous booms?<\/strong>\r\n\r\nSome of you may already know and have used methods such as sedatives, loud music, or simply just staying home to offer comfort.\r\n\r\nIf you\u2019re getting sedatives don\u2019t wait until the last minute!\r\nNormally if your pet has been seen by a vet within 6 months you should be able to just pick it up. Otherwise your pet may need an exam.\r\n\r\nHow secure is your home?<\/strong>\r\n\r\nConsider the safety of your home. If your dog or cat gets scared will they be able to get out of a window or gate?\r\nPlease make sure all are secure. This is the time of year when so many pets get lost and shelters have to actually move pets to foster homes or other shelters etc. just to allow room for all of the lost dogs and cats.\r\nDon\u2019t let one of them be yours.\r\n\r\nTake the time to both microchip AND UPDATE microchip information.\r\nA microchip is not helpful with a different name or an old out of state address.\r\nHave an ID tag on the collar.\r\n\r\nCheck with your veterinarian or nearest shelter for microchipping.<\/strong>\r\n\r\nThe San Diego Humane Society<\/a> offers discounted microchips on specific dates and times. **Microchips are the size of a grain of rice and can be administered like a vaccine at any vaccine clinic or any veterinary clinic.\r\n\r\nFor those with pets that will be experiencing it for the first time.\r\nI recommend being home with them not only to know how to prepare for the following year, but to be there for your pet.\r\nOur pets have no idea what is happening and will hopefully feel much safer with you there.\r\n\r\nFor lost dogs contact all Shelters<\/a>\u00a0within a 20 mile radius as soon as possible, and veterinary clinics. \u00a0Post both paper and online flyers.\r\n\r\nContact services that offer help with locating pets or putting out lost dog alerts.<\/a>\r\n\r\nGet prepared ahead of time, and have a safe and happy 4th of July!","post_title":"Pets And Preparing For The Fourth Of July.","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","post_password":"","post_name":"pets-and-preparing-for-the-fourth-of-july","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-06-23 07:16:24","post_modified_gmt":"2024-06-23 14:16:24","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/fidomingle.com\/?p=7941","menu_order":0,"post_type":"post","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"1","filter":"raw"},{"ID":5734,"post_author":"1","post_date":"2024-06-16 07:00:00","post_date_gmt":"2024-06-16 14:00:00","post_content":"Pets are family, and when we see them uncomfortable and itchy we feel it too.\r\n\r\nThis statement rings true, ESPECIALLY when fleas get out of hand and start jumping on you!\r\n\r\nI think every pet owner has been in this situation at least once in their pet parent life.\r\n\r\nThe best way to approach a bad flea infestation is to have a plan.\u00a0 Know your flea products<\/a>.\r\nIf you don't, valuable products can be wasted.\r\n\r\nWhere there are fleas, there are hundreds of flea eggs along with flea larvae.\u00a0 So if you're noticing many fleas, they're most likely living in your furniture, bedding, rugs and, or carpet.\u00a0 Having hardwood floors doesn't mean you don't have fleas. They can easily live around the edges or in cracks.\r\nSo knowing they're everywhere, means you need to start treating everywhere.\r\n\r\nI usually want to relieve my pet first, so I start there.\r\n\r\nImmediate Relief<\/strong>\r\n\r\nCapstar <\/a>\u00a0is a great product to treat your pet, killing fleas over a 2-3 day period while giving you a chance to treat the home.\r\n\r\nGive your pet a Capstar and a warm soapy bath.\u00a0 Then start treating your home while the Capstar is working.\r\nAs each tablet works 24 hours killing adult fleas, you need to act fast to prevent reinfestation.\r\n\r\nFlea Prevention For The Home And Pet<\/strong>\r\n\r\n*Monthly flea control(I prefer monthly topical)\u00a0AND an *Area treatment spray<\/a>.\u00a0 These are two products that will be needed to eliminate larvae and flea eggs on your pet and in the environment.\u00a0 You will need to treat BOTH to control the flea population.\r\n\r\nStart the monthly flea control 24 hrs after your pet has had a bath and last capstar treatment.\r\nThis will prevent new hatching fleas from jumping on your pet.\r\nUse the area treatment spray\r\nto treat your home.\u00a0 Treat all dark places, under cushions , rugs, beds, in corners, and under pots, as well as carpet.\r\n\r\nVacuum<\/strong>\r\n\r\nLet your vacuum be your best friend during this process.\u00a0 You can spray a little bit of area treatment inside the vacuum bag to assist.\u00a0 Continue to vacuum every two to three days.\r\n\r\n*Treat your pet\r\n*Treat your home\r\n***Vacuum\r\n***Repeat\r\n\r\nStick with it through the warm months ahead, your home should become flea free.\r\n\r\nTicks<\/strong>\r\n\r\nShould you happen to see a tick on your pet, part the hair so the tick is visible.\u00a0 With tweezers grab close to the skin to get the head and pull firmly upward SLOWLY so not to break the head off, as it is embedded in the skin.\u00a0 Make sure you clean the area with rubbing alcohol or soap n water after removing the tick.\u00a0 If your pet has multiple ticks see your veterinarian to have them completely removed.\u00a0 Ticks carry disease<\/a>\r\nthat can be harmful to both you and your pet. So discuss long term prevention with your veterinarian if you have an outdoor pet, or live in an area that might have\u00a0 ticks.\r\n\r\nFor more protection, treat the yard with Diatomaceous Earth.<\/a>\r\n\r\n ","post_title":"Fleas And Ticks! How To Fight A Flea Infestation, Know Your Products, And Have A Plan.","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","post_password":"","post_name":"summer-fleas-and-ticks-how-to-fight-a-flea-infestation-know-your-products-and-have-a-plan","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-06-16 07:50:28","post_modified_gmt":"2024-06-16 14:50:28","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/fidomingle.com\/?p=5734","menu_order":0,"post_type":"post","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":8015,"post_author":"1","post_date":"2024-06-09 08:00:04","post_date_gmt":"2024-06-09 15:00:04","post_content":"I scream, you scream,\r\nthe dogs scream for... Treat Trucks?\r\n\r\nWe know theres nothing more exciting than seeing an ice cream truck on a summer day..... EXCEPT maybe seeing a Treat Truck surrounded by dogs instead!\r\n\r\nSo we wanted to share some of these exciting Treat Trucks that will get your dog to come running too.\r\n\r\nFrom frozen yogurt, to fast food, and even collars and leads, some of these trucks have got your pup running for more!\r\n\r\nHere's a list of five treat trucks to watch for if you're traveling this summer....<\/strong>\r\n\r\nThe\u00a0Seattle Barkery<\/a> has treats for both you and the pup.\u00a0 And if you've got an event they've got you covered, making Barkday cakes too!\r\n\r\nChicagos\u00a0Fido To Go<\/a> has it all for both\r\ndogs and cats!\r\nThis treat truck is serving up handmade cookies and frozen yogurts!\r\n\r\nTreats, and ice cream.\u00a0 Theyll even cater your next puppy party\r\n\r\nNew York's Woof Bowl<\/a> treat truck has not only treats, they've got fast food for your pup- of course doggy style! They've also been spotted in Los Angeles.\r\n\r\nHomegrown Hound in Dallas Texas has the Snackin Waggin<\/a>.\r\nThey've got treats, pup packages, and they cater all events too!\r\n\r\nThe Good Dog Treat Truck is poppin up all around Florida, Follow them online know when and where theyll be.\u00a0 Theyve got treats, collars, and leads. \u00a0Track them on instagram<\/a>.\r\n\r\nHmmmm I'm not seeing San Diego on this list....\r\nCome on San Diego let's catch up!!!\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n- Have you got a treat truck tip? Let us know!","post_title":"Dog Treat Trucks To Watch For This Summer.","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","post_password":"","post_name":"dog-treat-trucks-to-watch-for-this-summer","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-06-09 08:35:09","post_modified_gmt":"2024-06-09 15:35:09","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/fidomingle.com\/?p=8015","menu_order":0,"post_type":"post","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":7284,"post_author":"1","post_date":"2024-06-02 07:00:08","post_date_gmt":"2024-06-02 14:00:08","post_content":"When it comes to experiencing the four seasons in\u00a0California<\/a> anything goes.\r\nIn fact, it can get warm anytime of the year, even in mid-winter! Nevertheless, your dog will still need walks, but remember that while you can dress down to shorts and a t-shirt, your companion still has on that permanent fur coat. That's why Fidomingle offers the following tips for proper pet care when temps are high:\r\n\r\nGet wet when you can<\/strong>\r\n\r\nWhile you can go to the beach or the local pool, your dog may not. There are few\u00a0beaches<\/a> in California that allow dogs and some not until the off season when it\u2019s already cool. Some dogs will enjoy being hosed down, while others do not enjoy being bathed no matter how hot it is.\r\n\r\nSome alternatives are to take your dog along to a park for a creek walk, or to a local swimming hole. There will likely be other dogs and people around, so this is only an option if your dog is socialized and well-behaved around others. But if yours is a\u00a0water dog<\/a> like a lab, they will love you for it.\r\n\r\nTake water with you<\/strong>\r\n\r\nWhen you do go on walks, if it\u2019s any distance at all, or if you\u2019ll be gone from the house for more than half an hour, you should bring some water and something for your dog\u00a0to drink out of.<\/a> they can\u2019t sweat, and because of that fur coat, a dog can overheat.<\/a>\r\n\r\nDog parks often have water available, but you can\u2019t always rely on it, and if the water has been sitting out, warm water won\u2019t cool them.\r\n\r\nIf you use a dog walker, have a talk with them about the heat. If they\u2019ve noticed the dogs they walk feeling it, you might consider a shorter walk, or keep frozen dog treats for them to enjoy afterwards. Some dogs will even walk on a treadmill. So if yours is so inclined, an indoor walk might be best for a day or two when the heat is punishing.\r\n\r\nGet a haircut<\/strong>\r\n\r\nIf you\u2019ve got a groomer, talk about a \"summer cut.\" A lot of the decorative fur and furnishings can come off. Your dog might look a little silly to you at first, but they\u2019ll be happier with a complete shavedown if it means being cooler.\r\n\r\nWatch for clues<\/strong>\r\n\r\nYour dog will find cooler places to lay down. They\u2019re usually pretty smart and good at communicating what they need. They might lay on top of a floor vent or in front of a fan. If you buy them a small personal fan, you may notice them spending time in front of it. If your dog is lethargic, that\u2019s natural, as long as they aren\u2019t panting for too long while resting, and as long as they don\u2019t seem uncomfortable.\r\n\r\nLower your stress levels<\/strong>\r\n\r\nWhile high temps can make anyone feel uncomfortable, it's important to keep your stress levels low whenever possible. Dogs are very in tune with human emotions, so do try to keep cool. Stay hydrated by drinking filtered water (which is beneficial to your health), take cold showers, and participate in relaxing activities like reading a book or drawing.\r\n\r\nDon\u2019t Forget Pet Sitting<\/strong>\r\n\r\nIf you\u2019re taking a vacation and it\u2019s really hot, many dog kennels are outdoors and not equipped with air conditioning. A good alternative is to hire a pet sitter<\/a> or dog walker, so the dog can still stay at home while you\u2019re gone. And while they\u2019ll definitely miss you, it can be less traumatic for them than a kennel, especially if it\u2019s really hot out.\r\n\r\nWarm weather normally offers good opportunities for outdoor doggy adventures. Be sure to watch out for signs that it\u2019s too hot for your friend, and always remember to keep them hydrated, cool, and in the shade whenever possible. And don't forget to properly care for yourself, too!\r\n\r\nAt Fidomingle, we deeply care about your pup's health. That's why we've developed an app<\/a>\u00a0that allows you to upload pet records, find local vet clinics, and make friends with other pet lovers. Download the app today.\r\n\r\nGuest Article by Cindy Aldridge\r\nPhoto By: Pixabay","post_title":"How To Keep Your Dog Cool When the Temps Rise","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","post_password":"","post_name":"keep-your-dog-cool-when-the-temps-rise","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-06-02 08:11:33","post_modified_gmt":"2024-06-02 15:11:33","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/fidomingle.com\/?p=7284","menu_order":0,"post_type":"post","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":8368,"post_author":"1","post_date":"2024-05-26 08:56:41","post_date_gmt":"2024-05-26 15:56:41","post_content":"

Harmful algae appears to be the cause of\u00a0fish spinning and dying in the Florida Keys.<\/a><\/p>\r\n

While more research is needed, it's possible\u00a0Gambierdiscus spp,<\/a> a type of algae could be the cause.<\/p>\r\n

Toxic algae blooms are not uncommon, and its good to be aware.\u00a0 They can be harmful to people and animals.<\/p>\r\n

How to identify toxic algae, when heading for the water....<\/b><\/p>\r\n

When the sun's out we head for the water.\u00a0 Knowing how to spot toxic algae is important, especially when heading out with children and pets.<\/p>\r\n

CDC<\/a>\u00a0goes into great detail on how to identify toxic algae blooms.\u00a0 From the different colors and how they form on the surface of the water, to the smells and sometimes even the change in water appearance.<\/p>\r\n

Toxic algae can be found in oceans, lakes, rivers, or any body if water<\/p>\r\n

\"Government agencies and other organizations are not able to monitor all bodies of water for harmful algal blooms. This means there will not always be an advisory posted near the water or online to warn you that a body of water has a harmful algal bloom.\"<\/p>\r\n

So when out hiking know the signs don't wait for others to warn you.<\/p>\r\n

<\/p>","post_title":"Harmful algae and its link to spinning fish in the Florida Keys.","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"harmful-algae-and-its-link-to-spinning-fish-in-the-florida-keys","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-05-26 15:40:13","post_modified_gmt":"2024-05-26 22:40:13","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/fidomingle.com\/?p=8368","menu_order":0,"post_type":"post","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":8351,"post_author":"1","post_date":"2024-05-19 16:12:16","post_date_gmt":"2024-05-19 23:12:16","post_content":"

Starting your journey as a digital nomad offers an exhilarating blend of challenges and rewards, especially when you bring your pet along.\u00a0 To navigate this lifestyle effectively, thorough preparation is crucial to meet your needs and your pet's.<\/p>\r\n

Such attention to detail ensures the experience remains enjoyable and\r\nsustainable for both of you. Considering both you and your pet\u2019s needs fosters an environment where both can thrive. FidoMingle<\/a> shares how embracing this unique lifestyle equips you to fully enjoy the freedoms and joys it brings.<\/p>\r\n

Assessing Pet Suitability<\/b><\/p>\r\n

Before hitting the road, assess whether your pet is suited for the frequent changes and potential stresses of nomadic life. Examine your pets behavior in various settings, and the ability to adapt to new environments, while carefully considering overall health.\r\nIf your pet is calm, adaptable, and in good health, they might be a great candidate for\u00a0accompanying you on your nomadic adventures.<\/a>\r\nOn the other hand, a pet that is anxious or unwell might find the constant movement unsettling, which could lead to further stress and health issues.<\/p>\r\n

Enhancing Your Skills<\/b><\/p>\r\nGoing back to school sharpens your skills and boosts your career prospects.\r\nOnline courses prepare you for success. If your focus is on cyber security programs<\/a>, you will learn to protect business computers and network systems. Earning an online degree provides the flexibility to balance your studies with work. This approach allows you to continue earning while you learn. Enhancing your skills in this way prepares you for advanced opportunities in your field.\r\n

Organizing Essential Documents<\/b><\/p>\r\n

Keeping your pet's documents as well as your own organized is essential. Invest in digital tools like mobile apps<\/a> that allow you to store important documents like vaccination records and identification papers.\u00a0 This makes it easy to access them anytime, anywhere, which is especially handy for dealing with customs and pet travel regulations. Well-organized documentation ensures a smoother journey for you and less hassle when crossing borders or registering at new accommodations.<\/p>\r\n

Choosing Pet-Friendly Destinations<\/b><\/p>\r\n

Selecting the proper destinations with pet-friendly policies is crucial for a harmonious nomadic lifestyle with your pet. Look for locations known for being\u00a0pet friendly <\/a>which\u00a0often feature amenities like dog parks, pet-friendly cafes, and\r\nveterinarians. This will not only help maintain your pet's health and happiness but also reduce the stress levels associated with adapting to a new environment for both of you.<\/p>\r\n

Establishing a Routine<\/b><\/p>\r\n

Creating a consistent routine is key to helping your pet adjust to the nomadic lifestyle. This includes regular feeding times, exercise routines, and sleep schedules, which can all be\u00a0adapted to your travel schedule.<\/a>\r\nA stable routine provides a sense of security for your pet, making the frequent changes in scenery less stressful and more manageable.<\/p>\r\n

Exploring Insurance Options<\/b><\/p>\r\n

Securing pet insurance with international coverage is an important step in preparing for your travels. This ensures that no matter where your adventures\r\ntake you, you have the means to afford\u00a0necessary medical care<\/a> for\r\nyour pet. Look into different policies and choose one that best suits your travel plans and your pet's health needs, giving you peace of mind as you explore new destinations.<\/p>\r\n

Building a Support Network<\/b><\/p>\r\n

Establishing a network of fellow nomads who travel with their pets can provide invaluable support and resources. This community offers advice on pet care services and the best pet-friendly locations. They also provide companionship for\r\nyou and your pet, enriching your travel experiences. Connecting with like-minded travelers enhances both the journey and the destinations.<\/p>\r\n

Navigating International Travel with Pets<\/b><\/p>\r\n

Familiarize yourself with the various requirements for international pet travel<\/a>.\r\nThis includes understanding quarantine laws, necessary vaccinations, and specific carrier regulations. Being well-informed will help you avoid any disruptions or legal issues while traveling, ensuring a smoother experience as\r\nyou move from one country to another.<\/p>\r\n

Wrapping Up<\/b><\/p>\r\n

Embarking on a digital nomad lifestyle with your pet demands thoughtful preparation and adaptation. By carefully planning your journey, you ensure you\r\nand your pet experience fulfillment and joy, enriched by discoveries and shared moments.\r\nEmbrace each challenge as an opportunity to grow and explore together. This path, while complex, offers profound rewards as you create lasting memories with your furry companion. You transform every new environment into a shared adventure, strengthening your bond.\r\nIf you enjoyed this article, you can find more helpful content at FidoMingle.com<\/a>!<\/p>\r\n

Guest article by Cindy Aldrige\r\nImage via Freepik<\/p>","post_title":"Nomadic Paws: A Seamless Transition to a Digital Nomad Life with Your Pet","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"nomadic-paws-a-seamless-transition-to-a-digital-nomad-life-with-your-pet","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-05-20 08:34:59","post_modified_gmt":"2024-05-20 15:34:59","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/fidomingle.com\/?p=8351","menu_order":0,"post_type":"post","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":8345,"post_author":"1","post_date":"2024-05-13 07:55:42","post_date_gmt":"2024-05-13 14:55:42","post_content":"Mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise.<\/strong>\r\n\r\nGetting your dog into a daily routine, or giving them \"dog jobs\", fun outings, or\u00a0smart toys <\/a>to play with, are all part of fulfilling your dogs life.\r\n\r\nKeeping the boredom out, will in turn reward you with good dog behavior.\r\n\r\nWhen dogs are bored they find ways to keep busy, which could mean tearing up your favorite rug, or digging holes.\r\n\r\nFinding easy enrichment activities for your dog....<\/strong>\r\n\r\nYour dog doesn't have to be a frisbee player or a star in agility.\r\n\r\nGames like tug of war, breaking down egg cartons, or cereal boxes are all dog enrichment activities.\r\n\r\nStart the \"thinking\" by getting your pet to find treats, or a tennis ball.\u00a0 These are all great ways to keep the mind active.\r\n\r\nBringing home a new toy and letting your pet find it can be fun for the both of you.\r\n\r\n*Do remember to let your dog win when it comes to such games.\r\n\r\nWhile these activities don't take up too much time, they can end up being a big part of your pets day.\u00a0 This, along with regular outdoor activities like hiking, or walks can make a doggy day complete.\r\n\r\nGet help from\u00a0trainers <\/a>to learn how to communicate with your dog the right way, so they're able to turn the excitement off when you are not initiating playtime.\r\nThere will be times when you are receiving boxes that are not for tearing.\r\n\r\nDogs want to stay busy just like we do, get rid of that built up energy while creating a great friendship with your dog.","post_title":"Crush that doggy boredom with easy enrichment activities.","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"crush-that-doggy-boredom-with-easy-enrichment-activities","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-05-13 07:59:49","post_modified_gmt":"2024-05-13 14:59:49","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/fidomingle.com\/?p=8345","menu_order":0,"post_type":"post","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":8339,"post_author":"1","post_date":"2024-05-05 09:13:11","post_date_gmt":"2024-05-05 16:13:11","post_content":"

Tacos are healthy.<\/b><\/p>\r\n

Tacos are high in protein and low in fat. They also have lots of fiber making them easy to digest.<\/p>\r\n

What's in your dogs taco?<\/b><\/p>\r\n

You can treat your dog to tacos using lean ground beef cooked in a tablespoon of coconut oil.\r\nNo seasoning.\u00a0 As spice can\u00a0 sometimes lead to diarrhea.<\/p>\r\n

Grab an organic corn tortilla and start filling it with good healthy veggies!<\/p>\r\n

Using organic romaine lettuce, red bell pepper instead of onion, and tomato.\r\nFinish it off with a sprinkle of cheese.<\/p>\r\n

Mix it up!<\/b><\/p>\r\n

Add a little broccoli, or use chicken breast meat.<\/p>\r\n

Easy recipes for good fun!\r\nDon't forget the dogs!<\/p>\r\n

*Never over feed.\r\nOver feeding any treats can lead to upset stomache or other health issues.\u00a0 Only feed in small portions.<\/p>\r\n

(Image from Pixabay)<\/p>\r\n

<\/p>","post_title":"Dogs love tacos, and what a healthy treat!","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"dogs-love-tacos-and-what-a-healthy-treat","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-05-05 09:20:17","post_modified_gmt":"2024-05-05 16:20:17","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/fidomingle.com\/?p=8339","menu_order":0,"post_type":"post","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"}],"next_page_url":null,"prev_page_url":"https:\/\/fidomingle.com\/apis\/post_apis.php?query=posts&page="}}